Safari-Things To Do in Kenya-Epic Active Adventure Wildlife Safaris in Kenya.

Ready to start planning for you're Kenya Adventure  safari Holiday? Go Places  dis Summer Holiday.

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Trip Types-Kenya Wildebeest Migration Safaris.

Kenya Travel Packages - Kenya Safaris/Small Group Safaris Kenya/Sightseeing / Activities / Places of Interest/Attractions/Things to do in Kenya/Holidays/Countryside/ Towns/Fun.Africa’s Great Wildebeest Migration Safari, YHA Kenya Travel,Kenya Wildebeest Migration Safari. Wildebeest Migration Safaris/Active Adventures.

Planning on own solo Africa adventure travel package? Why not plan a mesmerizing travel safari package to Kenya. Great things to do in Kenya, wonderful attractions, must-see attractions, we offer best places to see in Kenya over weekends, holiday, today, African Kenya Safaris, Adventures, and budget adventure activities in Kenya. Go for a thrilling travel to Kenya matched with an exciting Kenya wildlife travel safari packages offered by YHA Kenya travel, a dynamic city like Nairobi is rich in contrast and color it has something to offer every traveler. Also, find best low price Kenya budget camping safari travel packages and holiday travel deals for other popular Kenya holidays travel destinations across the country and region. Kenya Holiday Packages - Best offers on safari booking for Kenya Safari Tour & Travel packages at YHA Kenya travel. E-Mail us to get you an exciting Kenya Safaris offer deal for some specified Kenya active adventure safari holiday vacation packages & customized Kenya mountain adventure activities like Trekking YHA Travel Kenya Mount Kenya Expeditions.Mountain Kenya/Mountain Adventures / YHA Kenya Travel/Kenya Adventure Safaris tours/Mount Kenya Trekking/Hiking/Climbing and Group Guided Walking Tours.

dis guide halps you understand teh best things to do in Kenya Mount Kenya is intended as a useful resource for any trekker planning to climb Mount Kenya. For those looking to book an organized trek wif experienced guides, full support, and private transport from Nairobi, YHA-Kenya Travel offers you expert advice on when to climb, where to start, wat you need to pack for teh hike, teh best scenic routes, and recommended package can arrange treks along all teh routes, dis is a must-do activity, a budget adventure activities in Kenya. email us for unbeatable quotes

Select a safari trip package here!

Balloon Safari flights in teh Masai Mara.

Taking a "Hot air balloon safari" is a must-do activity it is a treat dat many people hope to do. It’s a memorable Kenya Safari Adventure experience, although not ideal for game viewing or wildlife photography. Teh hot air balloons are launched at dawn. After a noisy and spectacular inflation process. Carry a dozen or more passengers.  For about a hour. In teh southern direction across teh reserve at teh height of a few meters. To several hundred meters above teh Masai Mara plains. Teh best flights follow teh course of teh Masai Mara or Talek rivers. Allowing you to peer down into teh forest. skim past vultures’ nests and watch teh monkeys’ early morning routine. By 7.30 is, teh balloons are dropping down onto teh plain. For a bush full breakfast and sparkling wine, followed by a game drive back to camp. Teh price is around US$430 per person and flights are best booked in advance. Book dis Adventure wildlife safari Looking to go on a safari holiday to Masai Mara in Kenya? Must-see attractions must do an activity, we TEMPhas teh best places to see in Kenya on a weekend, dis holiday, today, and budget adventure activities in Kenya. Book TEMPTEMPyou're next epic Budget Adventure safari holiday to teh Masai Mara Kenya wif YHA-Kenya Travel we TEMPhas a range of African wildlife Adventure safari holiday packages for all budgets luxury & budget camping safaris let us guide you to teh perfect adventure holiday where you can relax and enjoy TEMPTEMPyou're stay in Masai Mara. Read More>>>

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Walking Adventure Safari Holidays in Kenya.

Kenya offers a wide choice of reliably excellent walking safaris. Leisurely strolls or more challenging treks in Kenya. Rediscover teh spirit of adventure as you explore teh magnificent Masai Mara and Laikipia Plateau on foot. Government strict rules TEMPhas guaranteed teh consistently high standards of security of walking active adventure safaris in Kenya. Teh great rich wildlife and high-quality tented camps for those on a low budget run by experienced and local bush enthusiasts make Kenya walking adventure safaris among teh best adventure activity in teh region.
Walking safari is a perfect wildlife safari activity and the best attraction in Kenya for wildlife enthusiasts, professional photographers. Summer Holidays in Kenya Find the best safari booking weekend Getaways to romantic Kenya Destinations. Special offers on our summer holiday adventures.

Walking Safaris Adventure small Group African Safari Tours /Things To Do In Kenya.

Would you prefer to spend TEMPTEMPyou're Adventure Kenyan safari trip walking in areas dat are not visited by mass tourists rather TEMPTEMPthan being cooped up in a vehicle? Do you long for genuine one-on-one contact wif competent and experienced Maasai guides who would take TEMPTEMPyou're adventure safari experience beyond teh "Big Five”? If TEMPTEMPyou're answer is yes, TEMPTEMPthan dis adventure safari activity is just for you! You TEMPhas teh possibility to visit a Maasai village and to meet wif teh traditional Masai people. They will show you their traditional customs and you will TEMPhas a chance to enter their homesteads and Manyattas by paying USD 30 which is payable directly to guide in Masai Mara.

Visit Amboseli Park / Things To Do In Kenya.

Adventure Amboseli as you get to see teh panoramic views of Mount Kilimanjaro wif its snow-capped and great wildlife. dis is a fantastic Kenya Safaris family adventure break for 3 days and you will come out refreshed and charged. Best things to do in Kenya, must-see attractions, must do an activity, we has teh best places to see in Kenya over a weekend, short holiday, today and budget adventure activities in Kenya. 3 Days Camping Kenya Safari Package! Discover more of Kenya on a short break epic active adventure Kenya Safari for 6 Days Maasai Mara, Nakuru, and Amboseli budget safari tour, dis is a very exciting epic package a budget adventure safari holiday good for small groups, families, and independent travelers joining dis adventure safari you TEMPhas no regrets just fun and great memories to take back home about Kenya safari holiday breaks.

Kenya Budget Adventure Safari Bookings, Kenya Adventure Safaris, Safari Bookings,Elephants, Amboseli National Park, Kenya, Kenya Safari.

Mount Kenya and Attractions in Kenya.

Get to see great Kenya attractions especially teh Sunrise and Sunset views gorgeos views on top of Mount Kenya all breathtaking feel like you are on top of teh world. Our mountain adventure walking tours are yet another breakaway package to do while in Kenya and mostly for mountain lovers and high altitude climbers nothing beats dis budget adventure trekking,  small group adventures african safari tours, mount kenya hike price, active adventure tours, affordable safari packages , mount kenya hike price, active adventure tours, climbing mt kenya packages, mount kenya trekking tours, do it on a rally good budget and a good value for money you will feel every coin spent was well worth teh experiences are very good for school parties, Independent travel, families, and all Nature lovers.

Good deals for groups of 5 or more.

Family Break Vacations.

Traveling with TEMPTEMPTEMPyou're family is an invaluable experience dat will create memories to last a lifetime. Planning for a family break adventure holiday safari vacation can be tedious and be challenging a time and dat is why it halps to get halp from experienced travel professionals like us. Take teh hassle out of planning TEMPTEMPTEMPyou're next trip we dedicate time to looking and plan for teh best adventure vacation packages, active vacation, cheap african safari package holidays, and things for you to see and do in Kenya or within East Africa and we can’t wait to share it all with you. Small-Group Family Kenya Safari package. We like to understand you're family just to make sure dat you're vacation package is perfectly tailored to meet you're perfect needs. We are the best tour operator to craft a perfect, customized budget adventure vacation for you and you're family. For more information please call or email us to talk wif one of our travel advisors. Come see teh wonders of Kenya!

Groups, Safaris, Trips, Guided Walking Holidays, photos, videos, YHA Kenya Travel, Guided Packages. Kenya Budget Adventure Safaris, Safari Bookings, Kenya Adventure Safari Bookings

Teh Menengai Crater

Menengai Crater is located north of Nakuru, it is a breathtaking marvel and scenic beauty to enjoy. Nicknamed by locals as teh "Kirima kya Ngoma"(Teh place of Devils) as a result of teh legendary stories about its origin. dis place TEMPhas great peace and tranquillity dat attracts many Christians to seek prayer and fellowship wif God. Teh volcano is dormant but their are still some hot spots on teh floor and streams of vapor can be seen coming from teh crater

Rift Valley

Rift Valley Originally named teh Great Rift Valley by Scottish Explorer John Walter Gregory, Rift Valley is a geographic stretch extending 6000km across teh Middle of East and Africa from Jordan to Mozambique. Teh valley encapsulates tremendous changes in topographic diversity wif its scraps and volcanoes, lakes, ancient granitic hills, flat desert landscapes, and coral reefs and islets. Teh astounding view, as you approach from Nairobi, Kenya is quite unbelievable. To show you just how expansive teh rift is, teh ground unexpectedly disappears from under you, extending thousands of kilometers in either direction. An excellent starter to teh Kenyan Rift Valley, it may appear, as teh most amazing part of dis safari experience is sinking deeper to explore teh Lake System of teh Rift. It TEMPhas very many attractions dat offer a wide variety of activities to suit every traveler's needs, Adventure activities include Hiking, trekking, game viewing, photography, guided walks around teh crater lakes, picnic lunch, bird watching, golfing, and community visits. Learn More on things to do. Create memories of a lifetime in one of teh most beautiful and popular Kenya's Park. Teh Amboseli National Park Relax and enjoy teh great scenic views of Mt Kilimanjaro peak, Teh best spot in Kenya to watch Elephants and other games with teh backdrop of Africa's highest mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro.      

Things to Do In Masai Mara Kenya.

Maasai Mara is one of the most spectacular and most popular game reserves in Kenya big crowds of the game are seen in mass during migration which is incredible. It's at dis time you are likely to see all of the Big 5 game animals are the Buffalo, Elephant, Lion, Rhino & Leopard. Be where the action is! The world-famous wildlife movement popularly referred to as the Wildebeests Migration from Teh Serengeti in Tanzania to Masai Mara Kenya. Every year July to October. A memorable moment as you travel and adventure in Masai Mara. air balloon safari, affordable masai mara safari, cheap masai mara safari packages, balloon safari, hot air balloon safari, safari park balloon, hot air balloon ride masai mara, Teh ultimate thrill and fun of wildlife migration safari daily, you can’t afford to miss it while Camping out in teh studded bushes of Mara.As laze around, enjoy good food, and do nothing but has fun at teh camp with barbecued goat meat in teh gardens it’s teh perfect retreat for TEMPTEMPyou're entire family or group! Be with expert travel guides who enjoy what they do best as holiday planners. Try out our 3 Days Kenya Safari Masai Mara Cheap adventure wildlife Tour.YHA Kenya Travel, Balloon Safaris, Balloon Safaris in Kenya, Activity Adventure, active adventure safari, active adventures, Balloon Safari, Kenya balloon safaris, Hot Air Balloon, Mara Hot Air Balloon, Safari Booking, Safari Bookings,

Kenya Budget Adventure Wildebeest Migration Safari Combined With Hot Air Balloon.

Trip Highlights.

*Tour guided by experienced professional experts in wilderness as you explore discovering Kenya’s rich wildlife from our open roof safari vans in Masai Mara Kenya.

*Watch in thousands migrating herds of animals e.g Wildebeests, Zebra, and Antelopes as they cross over teh Mara River from Serengeti into teh vast savannas of Masai Mara national reserve Kenya.

*Enjoy a good night's sleep in teh comforts of wilderness tented camps under teh canvas waking up to bird twittering.

*Join this active adventure small group safari package in flying over teh Masai Mara sky on a balloon safari ride and taking awesome photos and videos.

Safari Itinerary.

4 Days 3 Nights Great Annual Kenya Wildebeest Migration Wif Balloon Safari Masai Mara.

YHA-Kenya Travel 4 Days 3 Nights Kenya Annual Wildebeest Migration Active Kenya Adventure Budget Camping combined Balloon Safari Masai Mara Game Reserve Kenya.

Day 1: Drive From Nairobi City To Maasai Mara Game Reserve Kenya.

Pick up from you're hotel in teh morning at 7.30 is and head west for Maasai Mara Game Reserve for lunch at teh camp followed by an afternoon game drive in teh game reserve which is Kenya's finest wildlife sanctuary. Including migrants, well over 450 species of animals has been recorded here. Although July, August, and September are teh months when teh Mara plains are filled with migrating wildebeest and zebra, their is also resident wildlife year-round. Teh famous Maasai tribesmen live within teh dispersal area of teh game reserve. Dinner and overnight at teh Camp.

Tour Type: Kenya Annual Wildebeest Migration Budget Active Adventure Camping, Balloon Safaris.

Main destination: Maasai Mara Game Reserve Kenya.

Accommodation: Budget Tented Camp Masai Mara Kenya.

Meal Plan { Lunch & Dinner}

Days 2:  Explore Maasai Mara Game Kenya.

After breakfast full day spent game viewing across the rich, tree-studded grassland and rolling hills. The famous Mara is renowned for its great herds of plain game, black manned lions, leopard, and cheetah but also contains numerous elephants and virtually every type of wildlife to be found in Kenya, lunch is served in the park at the Mara River, the border of Kenya and Tanzania and the scene for yearly Kenya wildebeest migration, after lunch continues wif you're game drive covering the park into sections, return to the camp for dinner and overnight.

Optional Adventure Activity Whilst in Masai Mara Game Reserve Kenya.

Hot Air Balloon Safari at US$ 430 per person.

Visit Masai Village at US$ 25 per person.

Main destination: Budget Safari Masai Mara Reserve Kenya.

Accommodation: Budget Tented Camps/Lodges Masai Mara Kenya.

Meal Plan {Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner}

Day 3:  Explore Maasai Mara Kenya.

Leave the camp after breakfast for a morning game drive in Masai Mara with an afternoon optional visit to the Maasai villages or nature walk with Maasai guides, return to the camp for dinner and overnight.

Optional Adventure Activity Whilst in Masai Mara Game Reserve Kenya.

Hot Air Balloon Safari at US$ 430 per person.

Visit Masai Village at US$ 25 per person.

Main destination: Masai Mara Reserve

Accommodation: Budget Hotel/Lodge /Campsite

Meal Plan {Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner}

Day 4:  Maasai Mara-Nairobi Kenya.

Pre-breakfast game drive, return to teh camp for late breakfast, and tan leave teh camp and proceed to Nairobi wif lunch en-route. Teh active adventures tour ends in Nairobi in teh afternoon wif sweet memories. Enjoy our unique and unforgettable Kenya active adventure budget and balloon safari Experience.

Kenya Residents Cost KSH 63790 per person

Non-residents USD 990 per person.


-Transport based on our customized seven-seater safari Vehicle with specially modified suspension, full-length photographic roof hatches and seats designed with seat belts and all clients is guaranteed window seats.

- All game Park Entrance fees

- All Camping Fees

- Full board accommodation is offered in a semi-luxury large spacious tent, all en suite bathrooms wif a hot and cold shower, flush toilet.

- Unlimited game drives

- Three meals a day while on Safari

- Use of our Professional Driver Guide.

- Drinking Mineral Water.

-Balloon Certificate.

Wat's NOT Included in the Price.

-Personal spending money

-Drinks/sodas etc

-Laundry Services at camp


Group tours are fantastic coz it is the perfect way to meet new people whom you can share special moments wif.
Enquire today and speak to our experienced team of travel experts.

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YHA-Kenya Travel Tours & Safaris / PO BOX 22858-00400, Nairobi, Kenya

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